Friday, December 6, 2019

Workflow Design Tools in the Health Information Management

Question: Define each of the following work design tools and provide an example of how/when each might be used in health information management: workflow diagram, process flowchart, top down process map, swimlane diagram and use case. Answer: Definition and Example of workflow Diagram A workflow includes repetition of all activities of the business enabled by the systematic organization of resources in transformation of materials, services and process information. It involves all the operations in a sequence declared as work of a group, staff or more than the complex mechanisms. Workflow considers as the representation of real work. The flow show as the documents of the services of health care being transfers from one to another. It identifies all the hurdles by improving the full utilization of resources (Sharp and McDermott, 2013). Example: In data analysis of health care, a workflow can be used to represent the steps in a clear sequence that makes the complex data analysis involves data manipulation and data search steps. Process flowchart Definition and example Flowcharts help in visualizing all the steps in the process. It is use to search one source of a problem or more than one with an identification of its solutions/ improvements. Process flowcharts are used to show the relation in between the major parts of the system (DeRosier, Stalhandske, Bagian , Nudell , 2011). Groups and the whole departments is accountable for taking the charge of the process and complete task. The whole process shows through the flowchart. All individuals works under the process flowchart consider as players. Sequential thinking helps in identifying the steps in the process flowchart. Flowchart shows graphically with the help of rows and columns corresponding to the attached work units example- Nursing (Lighter, 2010). All steps of the flowchart are arranged properly in a sequence. In first step, place the card in the column / row that parallel to the player account for it The second step should be placed along within the process to clear and show that it will occur later. The flowchart of nursing shows below (Source: Public Health, Nurses only visit Top down process map definition and example The top down method is known as the parking lot list. The main process steps are consider from the top and then all the sub processes are mentioned below efficiently limited the level of the detail present. Parking lot lists are always mentioned in hierarchical nature and clears the concept that how all the steps are mentioned on the map (Huser, Rasmussen, Oberg, Starren, 2011). A step mentioned below the process step is at the low level in the hierarchy than the step placed on besides the previous step of the process. This method is stated as weak because one level of the hierarchy has no link with the other maps. Example in health care- This method adopted to recognize the safety hazards for the patients in the quality and safety in health care. Mapping Level Detail Hierarchical Multiple flows Organization structure Icons Logic operators Flow time Citations Top down Swim lane diagram definition and example A swim lane diagram workflow uses the blocks showing all the steps use in the process. Diagrams consist with all the rows and the columns represent areas performing different functions. Functional area represents individual who has the responsibility for completing the steps. Each one represents different types of responsibilities. Steps uses in the block shown in the chronological order. It all seems easy when it comes for the overall process (Sharp and McDermot, 2013). Example: The details of the swim lane workflows show the process of the medical pre- authorization. Many health insurers need the medical procedures before rendering the services. From left to the right, each swim lane shown as a accountable party like insurer, member and provider. Each square box shows as a task in the process before starting of the next step. Use case definition and example Use case is imperative technique that is use at a large scale in modern software engineering since their formal introduction done by the scholar. It is a sequence of all interactions done in between the user and the system that make capable the user to meet his goals. Example- Collect all information on present medications, allergies and intolerances related to medication Make changes in an existed medications needs to be continued Communicate all information at discharge to the care at the next level References Huser, V, Rasmussen, LV, Oberg, R, Starren, JB. (2011). "Implementation of workflow engine technology to deliver basic clinical decision support functionality". BMC Medical Research Methodology 11: 43. doi:10.1186/1471-2288-11-43. PMC 3079703. PMID 21477364. edit Lighter, DE. (2010). Process orientation in health care quality. In: Moore C, editor. Quality management in health care: principles and methods. 2nd ed. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. p. 43-101. DeRosier, J, Stalhandske, E, Bagian , J, Nudell , T.(2011). Using health care failure mode and effect analysis: The VA national center for patient safetys prospective risk analysis system. Jt Comm J Qual Improv. 2002 May; 28(5):248-267. Sharp, A and McDermott, P.(2013). Workflow Modeling: Tools for Process Improvement and Application Development . Norwood, MA. Fisher, Layna. (2012_. Workflow Handbook. Lighthouse Point, FL.

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